The (mainly photographic) adventures of an English physics PhD student living near Paris
This was posted at 6:30 in the morning. Or is the time magically self altering for the viewers country?
and why is Odie wearing socks?
I'd left the time set to the default. And why should Odie not wear socks!Dad had ended up with a pair of mum's socks or something so they were hanging around in the front room. Odie seemed quite on board with the idea of socks.
TIM TIM TIM TIM. Why wasn't I informed properly of this blog?(Good idea though, well done for sticking it to the Flickr man)
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This was posted at 6:30 in the morning. Or is the time magically self altering for the viewers country?
and why is Odie wearing socks?
I'd left the time set to the default. And why should Odie not wear socks!
Dad had ended up with a pair of mum's socks or something so they were hanging around in the front room. Odie seemed quite on board with the idea of socks.
TIM TIM TIM TIM. Why wasn't I informed properly of this blog?
(Good idea though, well done for sticking it to the Flickr man)
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